Important! Update your mobile apps/mini-apps to the latest version. In May 2024, we updated the mobile apps, and now you no longer need to clear the cache after activating a photo. Simply activate the photo, and the watermark will not appear.

After you have activated the photo and your balance has been deducted, you need to: 1 - Open the Application or launch the Stories AR mini-application 2 - Open the menu and click the "Clear Photo" button.


3 - Scan the QR code and point it at the photo (there will be no watermark).

This is necessary: If you scanned the QR code before activation (you saw the Stories watermark on the photo), files with the watermark are stored in your phone's memory. Therefore, you need to clear the cache in the application and rescan the code.

Your clients will not need to do this. Since you give them a QR code that has already been activated (i.e., without the watermark).

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